These days you could use internet for various purposes. You even could buy and sell your products on the internet these days. To do business by using the internet, you need to use several tools that could make your transaction become easier and safer. One of the most common tools that are used for online business is online wallets. Online wallets basically are the third party tools that are used in order to provide simple system in your online payments. Another way to fund some of the online sportsbooks, is the new universal way using bitcoin currency.

Deposit Methods:
Credit Cards – Visa, MasterCard
Wire Transfer
Cashiers Check
Money Order
Cryptocurrency Accepted:
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Litecoin
- Bitcoin Cash
- Ripple
- Stellar
This tool is usually used for online betting payment. The benefit that you could get from online wallet such as paypal, is that you could save more costs when you manage your online betting payment. This tool also provides simple interface which allow you to get several special features such as instant transfer and multiple funding options. If you want to use this tool, you need to register your e-mail address first and submit your personal details to the provider.

Deposit Methods:
Credit Cards – Visa, MasterCard
Cryptocurrency Accepted:
- Bitcoin
- Litecoin
- Bitcoin Cash
Once you do that, you could use this tool to send or receive payments online in low fees. Online wallet could be used for other traditional payment methods as well. Whether you use credit cards, checks, or even bank wires, you could use these methods to load the tool or withdraw the funds. You also could use ATM card provided by this tool so that you could withdraw funds anywhere you want.
This tool is considered as the best solution in online payment since you could manage all transactions in your betting from one place using minimum deposits. To maintain the security of your online wallet, you need to keep your login details which are needed to transfer your fund.
Credit / Debit Cards
Other popular tool that is used to fund your betting account is credit/debit card. To use credit/debit card, you need to register it first by submitting several important details such as your personal details, the card number, verification code and expired date. Once your card is registered, the deposit will be processed and credited instantly to your account. If you’re using credit/debit card you might be charged in several betting sites. The amount of the charge may vary depend on the amount of your deposit. Some allow simple bank money transfers.
Sometimes you also need to credit back your subsequent withdrawal to your card. If you want to use other withdrawal methods, the amount of your deposit should equaled out the original amount. Some bookmarkers with high reputation will use secure servers and encryption technology to provide protection to card transactions. You also need to notice your credit limit and keep it low so that you could use it comfortably. Other important thing to do is changing your card number every two years.
You also need to remember that some US banks will not allow you to use your card for any transactions in online betting sites. That’s why you need to check the policies in these betting sites about credit/debit card. The most common credit cards that are used for online betting are master Card and Visa, while common debit cards that are used for this purpose are Delta, Switch, Solo, Visa Electron, Maestro and Laser.