Are you looking for a game where there is an “office pool” or unconventional game to play during the Super Bowl? If so, then playoff squares could be for you. Unlike fantasy football, you don’t really have to have a huge knowledge of football in order to play competitively (unless people can choose their own numbers and you’re dealing with people knowledgeable about football, more on that in a bit) and it is a relatively easy game to play. So here is how you get it set up, the rules and how you win:
How to set up super bowl boxes
The first thing you will want to do is either take a paper and make a grid which contains 100 boxes which is 10X10, you can use our printable PDF Squares below or you can pick out some boxes on MyBookie sportsbooks and play along with random participants.
The main difference between the two is that the web-based sites randomly generate numbers and the non-web based one does not. In addition to that, the web-based site allows you to invite other the people you want to play with or allows you to find people online to join your game if you want or need more people than you can attract. If you choose the non-web based site or you choose to draw the squares freehand then it will be up to you to find enough people to play.
Popular boxes based on Vegas Odds

After you have your people the next step is to fill out the bracket. If you don’t use the web-based site that you will need to come up with the numbers on your own. The numbers dictate what the score will be after the first, second, third and fourth quarters. If you are writing the numbers freehand, keep in mind that numbers ending 3, 7 and 0 have an advantage because of the way football scoring works. The two most common ways team scores is through a field goal or a touchdown. A field goal usually happens because the team on offense got to fourth down and is close enough they are confident their kicker can get the ball through the uprights. If it works they get three points. A touchdown is worth six points and then have the option to go for one or two. More often than not teams will go for one but there could be special exceptions.